A presentation on Loyola’s upcoming accreditation process, shown at the Student Government Association meeting, explained the procedure known as the Quality Enhancement Plan. Every 10 years the university must be accredited through this procedure, which is required by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Its purpose is to enhance Loyola as a school.
Specifically the QEP is a list of changes that the university will work on to improve its current programs. This semester the QEP Team is asking for the entire university to become involved in the process.
A complete explanation by SACS of the QEP can be found on Loyola’s QEP Web page, http://www.loyno.edu/sacs/qep/.
Suggestions on how to improve courses, ways to increase communication between faculty and staff and what curriculum is outdated are examples of what the QEP is asking for. According to the presentation, students’ participation is important because their input will help shape the kind of university Loyola becomes.
Two weeks ago SGA passed a resolution denouncing the lack of action by the Loyola administration in the stabbing of Michael Lloyd, finance senior. The resolution called for prompt action by the university in this case and that in the future the administration will be quicker in divulging information to students.
The Rev. Kevin Wildes, S.J., university president, recently responded to the resolution with letter to SGA president Martina Mills, communications senior, and SGA vice-president Michelle Clarke, communications junior.
Wildes wrote that the university will conduct its own investigation once the New Orleans Police Department prosecutors have completed their work, and appropriate disciplinary action will also be taken.
Administrative restraints have been issued to those involved. Wildes also said he understood the importance of feeling safe on the campus.
Meghan Iverson can be reached a [email protected].