In a campus e-mail, Lydia Voigt, the Interim Provost, announced that the university has decided to designate two dates on which professors in the Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, and Music colleges may choose to hold an additional class.
Professors whose classes meet Monday, Wednesday, Friday; Monday and Wednesday; or Wednesday only may hold a make-up class on Friday, Nov. 1 (All Saint’s Day).
Professors who meet classes on Tuesday and Thursday or Thursday only may hold a make-up class on Thursday, Dec. 5 (Dead Day).
The final examination for all Thursday only courses in the aforementioned colleges will be rescheduled for Thursday, Dec. 12, 7-9 p.m.
Make-up classes at other times are at each instructor’s discretion.The Dean of City College asks that the City College professors use a nontraditional format, e.g. Blackboard, to cover missed material.
There will be no change in the City College final examination schedule. The Law School will meet for classes on All Saint’s Day.
Other make-up days are left to the teachers’ discretion.
Voigt asked that each of the deans support all efforts to make up for disruptions to the schedule during the past two weeks.
She also will be asking the Administrative Council to review the university calendars for future years in order to consider the feasibility of building in make-up days and to develop a standing policy for their use.