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Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Fr. Fred Kammer S.J. reads from Pope Francis's Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) in the Ignatius Chapel. The first of an on campus lenten series focusing on Pope Francis' spirituality was titled The Joy of the Gospel. Photo credit: Caleb Beck

Campus lenten series discusses the spirituality of Pope Francis

Caleb Beck February 26, 2016

With two years of progress already behind him, Pope Francis shows no signs of pumping the brakes on the radicalism and mercy that have defined his character in the Papacy. Francis’s beliefs...

Justice Scalia remembered at funeral mass

Jamal Melancon February 26, 2016

On Feb. 20, a funeral service was held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died at a ranch in Texas on...

David Lopez plays guitar during Iglesia de Dios Getsemani's 2016 Primicias celebration. Lopez has been a musician in the ministry department for three years. Photo credit: Victor Hugo

First fruits celebration puts God first

Jamal Melancon February 17, 2016

David Lopez, biological sciences sophomore, sought both God’s presence and better communication skills as part of what he prayed for during his sixth annual celebration of Primacias, or First Fruits,...

Anthony Pontecore, music industries freshman, left, Joshua Byrd, public relations senior, Johannah Williams, political science sophomore, and Jasmine Coleman, business management senior, right, sing with the Genesis Gospel Choir at the Black History Mass in the Ignatius Chapel on Sunday, February 14th.  The mass, which was led by the Rev. Maurice Nutt, director of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in New Orleans, focused on Black history in America and Christianity’s role in it. Photo credit: Zach Brien

Xavier University reverend holds Black History Mass at Loyola

February 17, 2016

Music, laughter and prayer brightened the rows of the dimly lit Ignacio Chapel during this year's Black History Mass. On Sunday, Feb. 14, the University Ministry held its annual Black History Mass,...

First Row: Raymond Price
Second Row (L to R): Camila Casaw, Bentlie Logan (TL), Maya White, Heather
Malveaux, Maria Todd, Devin Stephens
Third Row (L to R): Vanessa Onstad (staff), MacKenzie Hill, Brooke Amendola,
Ryan Stewart, Patrick Klena (TL), Autumn Moore
Fourth Row: Gabe McCulloch
Credit: Peter Stewart

Ignacio Volunteers Return from Jamaica Trip

Seán Brennan February 14, 2016

For most students, the first weeks of January are usually spent in preparation for the upcoming semester. But junior Raymond Price was preparing for something he'd never done before. He was preparing to...

New religion courses explore depth

Chasity Pugh February 4, 2016

As students bring in the spring semester with new classes, the Religious Studies Department has added new courses to give students different alternatives to learning about religions.Eco-Feminist Theologies...

Scott Hanthorn, practicing attorney, prepares to chant the mantra nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Chanting takes place towards the Gohonzon, a scroll inside the cabinet that is modeled after Daishonin’s inscription of his enlightened life. Photo credit: Jamal Melancon

Attorney credits success to mantra chanting

Jamal Melancon January 28, 2016

Scott Hanthorn attributes his 25 years as an attorney and two years as the New Orelans area coordinator of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism to mantra chanting. Hanthorn, a practicing attorney, was first introduced...

Jesuits and Students Look Ahead to A New Year

Caleb Beck January 25, 2016
Jesuit personnel on campus were interviewed for their views on a very promising 2016.

MLK Day Celebrations Exemplify The Power of Song

Seán Brennan January 25, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” Now, 48 years after his death, King’s legacy continues...

Ignatius Chapel holds weekly liturgies for the Loyola University community. Recent studies conducted by the PEW research center show that milennials tend to be non-religious.

Study shows millenials are non-religious

Sidney Holmes December 10, 2015

Recent study done by the PEW Research Center have shown a steady decline in the amount of religious people in America and an increasing number of millennials wwho identify themselves as “nones” is...

Mass and Pancakes preps students for finals week

Gabriela Morales December 10, 2015

Although the title of “Mass and Pancakes” suggests that pancakes will be served after a Mass, that however, is not the case. Ken Weber, university minister for liturgy and music said that the event...

War, Miracles and Oil

War, Miracles and Oil

Lawson Box December 3, 2015

While Hanukkah and Christmas are both religious occasions that involve family, fun and presents, the Festival of Lights has its origins in war, miracles and oil. For each of the eight nights of Hanukkah,...

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