Once more the natural world is experiencing a period of mourning. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 21 species have been delisted from the Endangered Species Act due to extinction”. As of October 16, 2023, 21 beautiful species of various kinds of mussels, fish, mammals, and birds have embarked on their final pilgrimage to the endless ether and the gaping wound that’s been left behind on our wonderful natural world is one that will never heal over.
The Guam flying fox will never be gazed upon again outside of artificial recreations of its image just as the supple tones of the Bachman’s warbler nor the Molokai creeper will ever reach another- person’s ears with their tantalizing serenade. Companionship amidst rivers and springs will never be found with the San Marcos gambusia of Texas or the Scioto madtom of Ohio. A wail of remembrance can be heard throughout the rivers and springs of the U.S. that dearly miss their- treasured mussels such as the flat pigtoe, the upland combshell, the stirrupshell , and a litany of others.
An irreparable loss has taken place and the worst part? It seems like anyone has yet to notice. Hawaii has lost 8 different species of bird, the U.S. mainland has lost 8 species of mussel, and all around the world biodiversity is being pushed to the brink of extinction. The effects that climate change is inflicting on every aspect of the natural world is undeniable and what is anyone doing about it?
Educational endeavors and legislation, while effective, are time consuming prospects that can’t result in the necessary sweeping change in the face of the countdown to greater environmental disaster which worsens with each day.
An aggressive response to the major polluters propagating the destruction of the natural world is necessary if we ever hope to greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions alongside protecting the holy wilderness that is consistently barraged by industrial development and exploitation.
Do we want to write more eulogies for the endless wave of species that will suffer as a result of passivity in the face of oppressive industries that care for nothing but their bottom dollar?
Eco-defense is the only means by which any level of bargaining can be achieved with the titans of industry who exploit and develop with wanton disregard for the world as a whole. There are 100 corporations responsible for 71% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. The only true fear that these companies feel is when their wallet is threatened. Lately it seems like there hasn’t been enough fear in the hearts of gutless industrialists.
To think that these cabals of moraless, economical, and technocratic buffoons are barely punished for their disgusting behavior towards the environment is gut-wrenching. “We stand for what we stand on ” is the mindset that needs to be branded into every environmentally conscious person on the planet.
There can be zero tolerance for the industrialist who stabs at Gaia and pollutes the air she breathes. No more eulogies for species that never should have been threatened in the first place and only funerals for the forces of pollution that continue to violate the remnants of Eden. Earth must always come first and we must keep it that way by any means.