With the Super Bowl this weekend, students are finding different ways to get involved.
The event offers volunteer opportunities but there are a few paid part-time jobs being created as the demand for employees increases in the weeks leading up to the game.
Criminal justice junior Kyle Locascio has taken a job working security around the Superdome.
Locascio said that he learned about the opportunity from an email he received from Residential Life and was excited to get the experience.
“They said were trying to find some New Orleans people to come down and do security work for them for the Super Bowl,” he said Locascio said that he is getting paid $ 11 an hour and is looking forward to working his 15 hour shift on the day of the Super Bowl.
“If I wasn’t being paid I would still do it since my major is criminal justice and this looks good on a resume that I’ve done security work,” he said. “This is great for my career.”
Even though Locascio was fortunate to get a paying job, Director of Co-Curricular programs Heather Roundtree said that a lot of the opportunities to get involved with Super Bowl call for volunteers.
Roundtree said that her office periodically sent out emails to different groups on campus to encourage students to apply. One group on campus was selected to host the Super Bowl pre-party.
For students who aren’t looking to get involved and just want a place to watch the game, Loyola will have an on-campus party of its own.
“The university programing Board is actually planning a Super Bowl watch party in Satchmo’s,” she said. “They’ll have TVs going, food and entertainment so that will be a great event for students to go to if they’re thinking of watching the Super Bowl on campus.”
Hasani Grayson can be reached at [email protected]