Six graduate students have made their way to Rome for an assembly of religious leaders along with over 100 students from Catholic institutions. The Synod will be livestreamed on Oct. 18.
Loyola Institute for Ministry professor and coordinator Emily Jandzejec said this experience creates a space for students to experience the Synod through communion, participation, and mission.
“The students are encouraged to be attuned to what we are hearing and experiencing in Rome and how we want to bring what we are hearing and learning back to the wider Loyola community,” Jandezejec said.
Graduate student Millissa Else said she is excited to learn from others in her faith in Rome. She said this pilgrimage will give her the opportunity to expand and deepen her faith.
“The opportunity to be a first-hand observer visiting Rome in October 2024 is exciting. There is so much for us to learn about synodality as a way of being community,” Else said.