With so many candidates and so many different personalities, it can be hard for students to decide which candidates have obtained the best leadership qualities to oversee a student body at a university.
The students on campus were adamant about those experiences and qualities.
“It’s very important for the presidential and vice presidential candidates to have some leadership experience when dealing with a large number of people,” said Sasha Poche, marketing junior. “They could draw from this experience to better handle things.”
All presidential and vice presidential candidates have held some type of leadership position here on campus.
The presidential candidates, finance sophomore John Beverstock and music education senior Michael Morin both hold positions in the current SGA.
Beverstock is Senator-at-Large and holds sub-positions within SGA as co-chair of budgeting, economic and dinning services committees.
Beverstock has also held positions as Delta Sigma Pi Pledge Class’ president in 2010, current vice president of Alumni Relations and Community Service and team captain for Relay for Life.
Morin is the current vice president, and was a senator for the College of Music and Fine Arts his freshman year and College president his sophomore year.
He was an Ignacio Volunteer and has been appointed team leader for the fall 2011 trip.
Last year, he was a desk assistant and is currently a resident assistant in Biever Hall. This summer will be Morin’s third stint as a krewe leader.
He has also held positions as a Loyola Ambassador since his freshman year, treasurer of the Music Educator’s National Conference his sophomore year, and is a first-year Phi Psi.
The vice presidential candidates, music sophomore Haley Humiston, philosophy sophomore Josh Washington, and economics and management sophomore Sebastian Bernal also have held leadership positions around campus.
Humiston was the College of Music and Fine Arts senator her freshman year and is now Chief of Staff for SGA.
Washington is a senator in SGA and vice president of the student firm in PRSSA.
Bernal is head chair of Loyola connections for the University Programming Board’s executive board, director of marketing for the International Student Association, and an SGA intern for the director of finance.
With so many involved candidates, some students are torn between whom they should choose.
“I am familiar with some of the candidates, but I need to learn more about their platforms to make a decision,” said Anjle Coleman, music performance senior.
On the other hand, some students had a candidate in mind, but were keeping their options open.
“I know Michael Morin will be great because of his work ethic and dedication to service,” said Chris Joseph, political science junior.
“Sebastian could be a good candidate because he cares a lot about school and students’ well-being,” Poche said.
“John is the ideal candidate because he has fresh ideas and looks for concrete solutions to students’ problems,” said Kate Gremillion, mass communication junior and current SGA president. “He had the most successful initiative this school has seen, the Voodoo shuttle, which was used by over 3,000 people.”
Other students like Lauren Fereday, biology junior, did not want to disclose whom she thought were the better candidates because she wanted to keep her vote private.
Polls will be open for voting on Friday, April 8 at midnight until 5 p.m. Saturday, April 9.
Sable Lefrere can be reached at

Economics and management sophomore Sebastian Bernal (left), philosophy sophomore Joshua Washington (middle), and music sophomore Haley Humiston (right), vice presidential candidates, debate Tuesday, April 5. (Monica Vo/Staff Photographer)