A special town hall meeting was held in Buddig Hall to address an escalation in vandalism on April 3. Vandalism and disregard of the Loyola Student Handbook have risen in Buddig Hall from the fall to spring semester, according to Kari Stone, Buddig Hall area director, who led the meeting.
An elevator emergency phone was broken, stairwell doors were taken off the hinges, and water fountains were damaged and pulled from the wall.
The cost to repair vandalized property committed by unknown parties is split amongst the residents in that residence hall.
Section 17.1 of the University Code of Conduct states that “residents will be held individually responsible for all acts of vandalism or damage to University property.
Public area damage not attributed to individual students will be billed to all residents of the affected floor, wing, or building.”
“Loyola has a reactive system when it comes to billing due to vandalism,” Stone said. “We do not estimate damage and charge you in the beginning of the year. We keep track of damage and split the bill at the end of the year.”
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