A University Programming Board budget exercise put new members and their money management skills to the test.
During the UPB meeting on Sept. 25, faculty advisor Courtney Williams announced a faux-budget cut hyped at $10,000. The UPB members have been kept oblivious to the exercise and remain under an impression of real cuts that pose a threat to stipends and other UPB plans. “Either we can have our budget
cut, or get our stipend cut,” says Guillot.
“Event planning is something serious which requires careful planning and critical thinking. As such, I presented the exercise as a real scenario for our students,” said Courtney Williams, co-curricular advisor and Director of Campus Activities.
The motivation of the exercise is to, “Challenge learners to determine which purchases are required and which are dispensable in this simulation,” Williams said.
Williams asserted that there is no particular motivation behind the exercise other than to teach money and resource management in terms of event planning.
“We are not preparing for anything to change. Again, this is just an educational exercise, so no need to worry,” Williams said.
The UPB brings weekly events to students on and off campus.
Jessica Debold can be reached at jtdebold@loyno.edu