Candidate flyers, voting ballots and debates: it’s that time again, students. No, the Obama administration is not being removed from office, but Loyola will be electing a new student government for next year.
Loyola’s Student Government Association is on the hunt for next year’s new leadership.
If any student would like to become a part of the SGA, it is nearing time to join.
The election process will begin with mandatory informational meetings held in the Hub, located in the lower level of the Danna Center, from March 28 to March 30.
“Students only have to attend one of the information sessions,” said Carissa Marston, biology senior and SGA commissioner of elections.
The March 28 meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., the March 29 meeting at 12:30 p.m., and the March 30 meeting at 5 p.m.
“At these meetings, election packets containing required forms and the rules and regulations of the campaign process will be distributed,” Marston said.
If students want to take part in elections but cannot attend any of the meetings, they can contact Marston at [email protected]. Otherwise, packets will be due at 5 p.m. in the Hub on April 1.
Like other elections, there are certain requirements students must meet to qualify for a position.
For the presidential position, students must have completed 36 credit hours at Loyola at the time they complete their intention of candidacy form. Vice presidential candidates are required to have completed 24 credit hours of coursework. Students must at least have a 2.7 GPA and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA for both positions while enrolled as a full-time student during their term.
Students running for a senate position such as senator, college president, senator-at-large and senior senator-at-large must have at least a 2.5 GPA at the time of completing their intention of candidacy form and maintain a 2.5 GPA throughout their term.
“If anyone is even considering running for a position, I would suggest attending a senate meeting, in order to give them a glimpse into its basic procedures or to talk to any of its current members,” Marston said.
Qualified candidates can begin posting campaign materials at midnight on Sunday, April 3. Candidates will also be able to introduce themselves and their platforms to the student body at the “meet and greet” event and debates for presidential, vice presidential and senator-at-large positions.
Now that the current term is ending, both Kate Gremillion, SGA president and mass communication junior, and Michael Morin, SGA vice president and music education senior, said the ending of their terms will be bittersweet.
“You should have an undeniable energy for servicing the student body and the ability to receive and grow from criticism. It is very easy to get worn down, but ultimately, you must do everything you can to improve all aspects of student life,” Gremillion said and Morin agreed.
“Be prepared for a lot of behind-the-scenes work and be aware of criticism. Fight for what you think is right,” Morin said.
Sable Lefrere can be reached at

Brian Gibbons (left), finance junior and SGA director of Finance, and Joshua Muller (right), political science junior and SGA College of Social Sciences Senator, discuss the upcoming elections with some SGA members in the March 22 meeting. (Geenah Acevedo/Staff Photographer)