Dear Editor,
It’s hard to ignore the rising crime in this city. Having lived my whole life here, I am used to the fact that you can’t walk alone, you shouldn’t go in certain parts of town and you’re a fool if you leave your house or your car unlocked.
But in the past few months, crime has been knocking on Loyola’s door – to be honest, more like breaking it down. Our campus has become frighteningly unsafe and Campus Security has done nothing about it. Instead of protecting students and their property, security spends its time putting boots on our cars and sending “Be On the Lookout” messages.
Recently someone was robbed behind the school, I believe three more cars were stolen and a female was attacked and almost raped.
When and where do we draw the line, put our foot down and actually do something to prevent these crimes from happening? At what point will Loyola realize that a “club” on your steering wheel isn’t going to cut it?
Something needs to be done before this situation gets any worse. It is the university’s responsibility to keep a campus safe. If the Loyola police can’t handle the job, hire New Orleans police to patrol the area. Either way, this is getting out of hand, and people will eventually leave.
Leah Frizzell, Marketing senior