Dear Editor,
After recent Rose and Orange Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine respectively, Kyrgystan has become yet another post-Soviet country to embark on the path of reformation towards a better and hopefully less corrupt future. The OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe) and the U.S. are both involved in monitoring the situation. Because one of the main foreing policy objectives for this administration is a Wilsonian concept to bring democracy to the World, the United States has a clear interest with Kyrgistan. However the means to do so, according to a statement (03.24.05) by Secretary of State Rice, have changed: ” There is no place for violence in a process of this kind. There is only a place for political dialogue and discussion leading to a process that will allow Kyrgyzstan to emerge as a stable democracy.” If translated from Ricemese, Rice said: “Violence tends to destroy a country’s infrastructure, kill and maim soldiers and civilians; violence also increases the national debt of the intruder, and it actually helps terrorist recruitment, not discourages it from happening.” She then added: Stanford Rocks!
Vitaliy Voznyakpolitical science junior