I would like to use my last article to expose each and every member of the secret society 1540.
But first, there are a couple of other points I would like to make.
I’ve had a great time the past four years at Loyola, and I am grateful to everyone (except Jason Bolte, The Maroon film critic) for my experience. Loyola has made some significant strides in “critical thinking” as well.
Four years ago, I came to a school that was unanimously left. The Rev. Si Hendry, S.J., put me in contact with Roger White, who was putting together the Loyola Society of Civic Engagement. This group changed Loyola by bringing more than one side to an issue and fostering actual critical thinking. The arrival of Walter Block fostered an alternative to socialism. In only a few years, the libertarian side has risen to the center of much of the political debate at Loyola, but there is still quite a bit more to be done.
The general misunderstanding of the libertarian movement is depressing. The libertarian movement is about personal responsibility, about giving a person an opportunity rather than a handout.
The Libertarians are the people who defend the man’s house about to be bulldozed for an airport runway or a freeway, not the Democrats or the Republicans. We are not anti-human rights, as many would like to think. We just provide another way of achieving human rights. For all the attacks on corporations for violating people’s rights, it is the government with the guns, not the other way around.
But enough ranting. I’m here to list the members of 1540 – right after these next few things. Residential Life needs to get a sense of humor. Throwing a mattress off the fifth floor balcony of Cabra is really funny. It’s even funnier when it hits someone on the ground.
And why would there be a rule about making too much noise in a college dorm on a Saturday at midnight? If no one was making noise, then there would be a problem.
Also, I would not consider making any changes to the alcohol policy. Freshmen do really stupid things. We used to stick our tongues in light sockets. It’s best to keep the drinking on campus, where at least they’re safe.
By the way, what happened to The Moron? Someone needs to resurrect that thing.
I have a couple of points for LUCAP too. Why is Loyola giving money over SGA’s head to a political organization? Nothing fosters critical thinking like banging a drum. Further, the “live like the homeless in a refrigerator box” event was held at another school, and they had to reschedule because of rain. I know the intentions are good, but consider what the homeless would think of such an activity.
To all those who read Pat McDermott’s column, he was right, especially about guns on Loyola’s campus.
University Police thinks a Wiffle Ball could break a window. I disagree.
I would like to finish by saying congratulations to all of those graduating this year. It has been a great four years, and I will definitely miss it.
Oh no. I forgot to expose the 1540 members, and I’m out of space. Oh well, I guess they’ll have to remain a secret for another day.