Lee CheneyPresident USIFHMC420 W. HumbleHobbs, NM 88240-7116Tel. 505-397-2147email: [email protected] site: www.usifhmc.com
September 18, 2005
George Bush, President of the United StatesThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Bush,
I am requesting that you to sign an executive order to fund the United States InterestFree Home Mortgage Corporation (USIFHMC) per the attached USIFHMC “accountingdetails”.
This simple action by you would save the government billions of dollars, provide massiveassistance to Katrina victims at no cost to the government, stimulate new jobs andbusiness in a massive way, and would provide the kind of finance for American PEOPLEthat would be a major step forward in helping the American PEOPLE begin to achievethe “American Dream” our homestead forefathers dared to dream for us.
Thank you for your consideration of my request.
Lee CheneyPresident USIFHMC