Toward the end of the year, the only thing left on some seniors’ minds is graduation. Many anticipate the day they walk across the stage to receive their diploma, but before they say their final good-byes to their college careers, this year’s seniors will leave one more lasting impression on Loyola’s campus – the gift of a bronzed Wolfpack statue.
“The tradition of Senior Class Giving has been popular for decades and typically is used by graduating seniors as a display of their commitment to the past and future of their academic institutions,” said Michael Indest, assistant director of Annual Giving Campaigns.
To carry on this tradition of gratitude and class spirit, which began on Loyola’s campus in 1998, the Senior Class Gift Committee began brainstorming and sent out a survey to all seniors in March in hopes of finding the ideal gift.
“After examining the responses, the committee narrowed the selection to three choices: the installation of additional bike racks on campus, a donation to the Monroe Library Annual Fund or a Wolfpack bronzed statue,” Indest said.
The statue won in a survey in which 228 seniors voted.
The committee is currently looking at several different life-size designs, which range in price from $1,500 to $2,500 for purchase, shipping and installation. The exact statue to be selected depends on the money raised from the campaign.
“Seniors are paying for the statue by donations given online, via cell (phone) or to members of the committee and Annual Giving staff, who operate a booth at the Danna Center during the last weeks of this semester,” Indest said.
The campaign runs until the end of the Spring Crawfish Boil when donations will stop being collected.
“I am happy that we are giving the Wolfpack statue instead of the others,” said Brea Diggs, forensic chemistry senior. “It will have more of a lasting effect on the school.”
Once the campaign ends May 13, the Senior Class Gift Committee, along with other university departments, will calculate the total amount raised and order the statue. Once the statue is received, it will be installed prominently on campus.
Sable LeFrere can be reached at