The story “Address Sparks Arrest” by Michelle Lopez published on 3 February 06 reads much more like an editorial than a news story. There seemed to be very little actual “reporting” in the article…no calls to the Capitol Police for their statement, no calls to the White House, etc.
I wonder why this article even made it to press, unless the point wasn’t to actually deliver any real news, but to remind us all that “White House will begin to resemble a dictatorship if it continues to try to make examples of those who oppose its beliefs.” Well. What kind of example have they made of Cindy Sheehan? She was released with an apology. Ouch! If this were to happen today in Cuba, the protester would be in prison.
Leave out the hyperbole, please. Reading the maroon “news” section, I can’t help but get an injection of each writer’s personal biases. What happened to objectivity in reporting?
Paul RankinClass of 91