As a freshman, it took me some time to remember that life exists outside the college bubble.
I went to all the usual places that many freshmen go: Tuck’s, The Boot, T.J. Quill’s, the Fly, etc. I had fun, no doubt, but I slowly began to realize that life could be richer and fuller outside of the typical college establishments. Looking back I sometimes wonder what I did with myself freshman year. Life was fun, and I accomplished many new things, yet many of my daily activities were repetitive. I do not regret it. I only wish I would have popped the bubble and explored more often.
Instead of remaining in the 10-block, Loyola radius, I finally made a conscious decision and effort to venture out more often. New Orleans is quite possibly the richest city in the country in culture and history, things one is not going to find hanging out at the bar of Tuck’s every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday night.
Getting stuck can happen at any time, and it is a perfectly normal part of life. But if you are stuck for too long, it can hold you back, preventing an exploration of the finer, or simply different, aspects of life.
I would like to suggest those who have suddenly awoken and found themselves somehow super-glued to their chairs that perhaps your time has come to free yourself and escape for a chance to breathe new air.
Take the streetcar to Mid-city and roam around City Park or go to New Orleans Museum of Art. Grab a bite of barbecue at the Joint in the Bywater or check out their art market. Take a reusable bag to one of the many weekly farmers’ markets around the city and mingle with locals and the jolly man from Smith Creamery selling artificial hormone-free milk (and chocolate milk too).
Walk around Frenchmen in the Faubourg Marigny and pop into the partly average, partly provocative bookshop across from Praline Connection, and steps away from my favorite “Mardi Gras House”– a home painted purple, green and gold that captures and shares the New Orleans’ spirit.
Check out a movie at the Zeitgeist with a friend and leave with philosophical thoughts and questions bouncing around your head. Walk the streets and look around. So often we forget that. Go listen to music at d.b.a. or dance with easygoing Rastafarians at Blue Nile on Thursdays. Examine the graffiti. Go listen to the chattering of Spanish speaking workers and maybe learn a few things about them.
Whatever you do, do it with curiosity and passion. The world is a never-ending story for you to both read and write. Make your own treasure map and search for the gold that awaits you in an unknown place. Learning and growing is one of the most positive things you can do for yourself.
Stagnation is detrimental and will only cause you to wilt instead of bloom. So step out and breathe the fresh air. You might catch a whiff of something that will lead you in a new direction.
Emily Ramirez can be reached at [email protected]