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Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Wolf Pack Wrap Up for Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Henry Bean, reporter September 18, 2018

In this week's Wolf Pack Wrap Up, Henry Bean reports on the annual Allstate Sugar Bowl Cross Country Festival, and the volleyball team's trip to Macon, Georgia.

Chais Delachaise is a secluded dinner-spot on Maple Street just past the local Starbucks.  Make this wine bistro the ace-up-your-sleeve for a special occasion with your date. Photo credit: Jacob Meyer

Top five dates that don’t break the bank

Jacob Meyer September 15, 2018

College is hard. Dating is harder. Don’t mistake 50-Cent Night or Wine Wednesday for a night out on the town. If you need a romance that doesn’t leave you emotionally and financially broken, then look...

Tulane Skaters

Meet the Tulane & Loyola skateboarders

Kaylie Saidin September 15, 2018

In every urban city, skaters and skateboard culture can be found. Despite New Orleans’ decrepit roads and bountiful potholes, the members of the community still find a way to do what they love. Anyone...

The Uptown Howl Season 3 – Episode 3

Tess Rowland and Rhon Ridgeway September 12, 2018

Before you're off for the Labor day weekend, checkout Tess Rowland and Rhon Ridgeway in the latest epiosde of Uptown Howl with Ryan Mader

Emo Night goers crowd around the stage. Emo Night was unlike most concerts because no barricades separated the musicians and the audience. Photo credit: Julia Santos

Emo Night NOLA promotes inclusive atmosphere for locals

Catie Sanders August 31, 2018

Emo Night NOLA has brought a new meaning to the teenage rallying cry of “it’s not just a phase, mom!” Inspired by his personal connection to the genre, Christopher Folse, public events...

Pan American Life Student Success Center

Loyola kicks off the school year with new spaces

Anum Siddiqui August 20, 2018

      In response to a growing student body, Loyola has opened the Pan American Life Student Success Center and the residential Founders Hall to provide student resources...

White Linen Night

White Linen Night lights up the evening

Jacob Meyer August 16, 2018

Locals used their wardrobe to show their passion for the arts during Hancock Whitney's White Linen Night, which took place on the first Saturday in August as it has in previous years. Sponsored by...

Kurshaw Jackson Vigil

Gallery: Community members gather to remember Kurshaw Jackson

Andres Fuentes August 1, 2018

On her birthday, Robin Jackson spent her afternoon grieving the death of her son, Kurshaw Jackson, in front of the daiquiris store where he was shot to death over the weekend. On August 28, two...

Kenner donut

Kenner donut shop fights to stay in business

Andres Fuentes July 12, 2018

  Typically speaking, with construction crews and machinery, there would be a sense of hope for growth and business but for Cop A Donut in Kenner, Louisiana, a large decline in profits...

Voices are heard at the Families Belong Together March

Trevor Scott and Alyssa Barrett July 1, 2018

The Families Belong Together March was held at Congo Square on June 30, 2018. The march was organized to protest the current US administration's family separation policy. Marchers started from Congo Square...

Loyola Protester

Gallery: Coverage from the Westboro Baptist protest

June 28, 2018

Loyola students, alums, and neighboring community members gathered in a counter-protest against the Westboro Baptist Church on Loyola's campus. Watch the live stream by RoSha'e Gibson.    

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