One of Loyola’s longest standing organizations, the Black Student Union aims to unify students of color on campus through various initiatives, including their annual “BSU Week.” This year’s theme was “Everybody Loves the Sunshine,” and each event was planned to produce positive engagement between BSU members and students of color on campus.
The week began March 10 at Household of Faith Church, and each event was planned to incorporate all members of BSU, such as a yoga night led by past Miss BSU Areina Walker. Other events included a snack box fundraiser, a movie night, and an open mic night. The week of events ended on March 16 with a beautification initiative at Audubon Park.
BSU President Makayla Williams said the main goal of BSU this year was to provide a safe space and unify black organizations with other students of color on campus.
She said, “We wanted to do different events that could grasp the attention of people with different personalities and backgrounds. I feel that these events meet the goal of unifying students of color on campus.”
“We hope that we gain more members, who eventually will turn into leaders on this campus,” Williams said.
Pharrell Every, BSU programming board member, was most excited about BSU Week’s service day, believing these events highlight the idea that BSU can create community and opportunities within the students of color on campus.
“We want to promote that BSU is a place where we can find harmony and be together and exist without retribution from the outside,” Every said.
Every believes that BSU is a safe space for Black students to feel welcome and supported on campus.
“We deserve a place to feel recognized and heard, and to feel comfortable bringing parts of ourselves to the table, where other spaces that may be a little more complicated,” Every said. “We want to show people who we are, what kind of organization we are, and that the space we cultivate is important, and it matters.”