The Maroon reached out to all candidates running in the election on Friday, April 5 to submit an explanation on why they are qualified. The following candidates submitted responses:
Brooke McFarlane – College of Social Sciences Presidential candidate
“First off, I am excited to see Loyola valuing democratic ideals in student government and reestablishing the positions of Senator at Large and College President. It is always encouraging to see SGA working hard to keep Loyola great. That being said, I would love to join SGA in its efforts. I deserve this position, because I am dedicated to making our university reach its full potential and specifically the College of Social Sciences. Going into senior year, I believe I have the advantage of experience and insight into what could be made better. This experience coupled with the ideas I’ve gathered from the constituents of our college, I believe, makes me a viable candidate for the position. I would love your consideration! Please come out and vote!”
Amy Pirtle – College of Social Sciences Senator candidate
“I want to bring SGA back to the students. After all, it is student government. Let’s work together, and let me be your liaison to SGA.”
James “Bud” Sheppard – Senator at Large candidate
“This past year, I have had the opportunity to serve as a senator of the College of Humanities and Natural Sciences. I have learned the skills necessary to properly listen to my constituents and understand how Senate and SGA operate. The reason I am running for senator at large revolves around my constituents. As senator at large, I would no longer be limited to just my college’s problems or concerns. In fact, I would be able to address the entirety of campus. At the end of the day the purpose for senators and SGA revolves around Loyola’s students. I want to represent Loyola University and its students in SGA as senator at large, so I am running for this position.”
No candidates ran for the following positions:
College of Business Senator
College of Humanities and Natural Sciences College President
College of Humanities and Natural Sciences Senator