Four organizations who applied for allocation money from the Student Government Association did not receive any funding.
Every semester, student clubs and organizations apply for allocations from the SGA. The organizations received their funds if each submitted the SGA Budget Packet correctly and in full.
Loyola Life was one of the four organizations that didn’t receive any funding the first round of allocations.
“Honestly, I wasn’t surprised,” said Mar Trujillo, one of Loyola Life’s presidents and a music composition junior. “I wasn’t sure how to put down the material and we turned in our packet late.”
Michael Morin, vice president of SGA and music education senior, said there are many routes students can take if they do not understand the packets.
“As far as the organizations that did not know how to fill out the packet, we have President’s Council meeting in which we go over how to fill out the packet, what is necessary as far as documentation, and other particulars like that,” Morin said.
Morin said students can set up a meeting with the committee members or refer to instructions on the packet for help.
Late packets will not be considered for funding in the allocations process; they will only be considered in post allocations if funding allows. Trujillo understood that and said the organization took full responsibility.
Loyola University Golf Club was another organization that fell short of receiving allocations. The Golf Club was told they needed to re-charter after finding out Co-Curricular lost all their paperwork which stated they were a chartered organization.
“We turned in our charter forms before Christmas break,” said Jay Mukherjee, Golf Club president and finance sophomore. “By the time allocation applications came around, we were told we were good to go by a few members of SGA.” Surprisingly enough, they were not. The Golf Club received an e-mail stating they did not receive any funding.
“I wasn’t surprised at all. We received very little confirmation and reassurance from SGA about our club’s status,” Mukerjee said.
Though Trujillo and Mukerjee were grateful that SGA was polite about the unfortunate news, they expressed the need for improvement in the process.
“I found it to be rather ridiculous that it took this long to hear anything from anyone, especially since it excluded us from any allocations,” said Mukerjee. “Just a response on our status could have sped things along from the get-go and we wouldn’t have had any problems.”
Brian Gibbons, SGA treasurer and finance junior, said the SGA is open to feedback.
“SGA is currently working to better incorporate the judicial branch in the workings of SGA. Charters are something that the judicial branch specializes in, and so knowledge of and about charters is currently departmentalized. By better incorporating the justices overall, SGA hopes to also improve the flow of information from and to the justices,” Gibbons said.
Loyola Life is planning on correcting their problems and applying for post allocations to fund for speakers, etc.
Due to being officially chartered after the first allocations process, Loyola University Golf Club is not eligible for post allocations SGA is accommodating them with an option to receive funding from a line item called “Student Reserves” for items such as a new set of beginner golf clubs and the like.
Sable Lefrere can be reached at