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Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Dinner with the Jesuits

Dinner with the Jesuits

November 8, 2012

Pedro Benitez, economics sophomore, and Karen Miranda, psychology sophomore, talk to Stephen rowntree at the annual Dinner with Jesuits as a part of Loyola Week. The office of Mission and Ministry plan...

People can marry however many people they want to

People can marry however many people they want to

KAITLYN O’CONNOR November 8, 2012

The Browns shocked the world in 2010 when their show "Sister Wives" aired on TLC, showing off their polygamist lifestyle. In the United States, polygamy is banned, making it illegal to have more than...

Buddhist monks place sacred relics on Vietnamese community members’ heads as part of a blessing ceremony. Community members visited Lien Hoa Temple to pray to the Buddhist relics and request blessings from Nov. 2-4.

Buddhist relics tour comes to NO area

NHI TIEU November 8, 2012

More than 1,700 people ventured to Lien Hoa Temple in Gretna to observe sacred Buddhist relics. Lien Hoa Temple hosted the Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour Exhibit from Nov. 2 to Nov. 4, and many community...

Kenneth Keulman, Professor and Chair of Religious Studies

New chair has many plans for religious studies

Nhi Tieu November 1, 2012

The Religious Studies Department has a new chair this semester, Kenneth Keulman, who wants to develop the department by adding more courses. As chair, Keulman said the department will continue to revise...

General studies freshmen Kate Watson looks at the voting sign displayed in the Danna Center. The sign “Vote With Faith” was made as a reminder to all faithful citizens to vote on Election Day.

University provides education on voting

NHI TIEU and NHI TIEU November 1, 2012

The Loyola Office of Mission and Ministry recently weighed in on the presidential election with a presentation about what faithful citizenship is and why it is important to vote with a well- formed conscience. Kurt...

An American flag hangs on the cross in the Collins C. Diboll Art Gallery, which is located on the basement level of the Danna Center. The flag and the cross coincide with the Faithful Citizenship presentation located in the One Loyola Room, which promotes voting consciously.

Pride and Faith

Burke Bischoff November 1, 2012

Loyola's Office of Mission and Ministry is sponsoring Loyola Week, which includes many events that are designed to bring not only the Loyola community, but also local community members together for religious...

Hindu interfaith outreach is accessible in N.O.

Nhi Tieu November 1, 2012

While many religions have strict beliefs that stem from their historical foundations, Hinduism is one religion that doesn't completely rely on a strong historical foundation to assert its beliefs. Sanjog...

Students and alumni help dig and renew the soil on a garden for the New Orleans Food & Farm Network, which aims to promote health in community gardens. The organization began in 2002 to encourage sustanibility.

Students and alums do service

Burke Bischoff and Burke Bischoff October 25, 2012

Loyola community members and alumni particpated in Wolves on the Prowl, which aims to better the community through service. According to Wolves on the Prowl co-chair Leigh Thorpe, a major accomplishment...

Aymond gives advice for voting

Aymond gives advice for voting

Nhi Tieu October 25, 2012

Gregory Aymond, archbishop of New Orleans, was invited by Thomas Ryan, director for the Institute for Ministry; to speak about the context of the document "Faithful Citizenship" and address catholics about...

Anne Daniell presents the Yamauchi Lecture “Theology of Caring for a Coastal-Carnival Place.” Daniell lectured about how theology relates to the environment and how individuals should respect the spirit of places they occupy.

Religious studies department hosts lecture on environment

Nhi Tieu October 25, 2012

Anne Daniell reflected on how spirit and place are connected and how individuals are the connection between God and places during the fall 2012 Yamauchi Lecture Series "Theology of Caring for a Coastal-Carnival...

Haunted houses are meant for fun and not for protesting

Haunted houses are meant for fun and not for protesting

Kaitlyn O’Connor October 25, 2012

Halloween is approaching so that means it's time for haunted houses, which are sometimes surrounded by protestors. If you want to avoid being badgered by fanatics carrying crosses and yelling about how...

Students should be open to experiencing Islamic culture 

Students should be open to experiencing Islamic culture 

Nhi Tieu October 11, 2012

At Loyola, there are different ways to approach learning about religions, from in the classroom to joining an organization. Dr. Timothy Cahill, associate professor in the religious studies department,...

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