Loyola is now accepting applications for the upcoming intramural flag football season.
According to Zachary Bracey, assistant director of Intramural and Club Sports, those interested should register online at imleagues.com. The website allows prospective players to create a team, join a team or register as a free agent. Three leagues will be offered: men’s, women’s and co-recreational.
Teams are allowed seven players on the field, but each team is allowed up to 15 members. To join the league, all teams are required to pay a $50 forfeit fee, which is refundable at the end of the season. All teams must have a captain.
“The team captain is responsible for managing their team and coordinating practices, as well as making sure everyone on their team is properly signed up on the roster,” Bracey said.
A captain’s meeting will be held in the University Sports Complex on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m.
Bracey said the Intramurals department is also looking for game officials.
“No experience is required, and training will be provided at an officials clinic,” Bracey said.
The official’s clinic will be held Friday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Sports Complex.
Lauren Fincher can be reached at [email protected]